"I thought I was okay, I thought I was happy.
But really..
I'm not yet okay, I'm not yet happy."
Retreat was fun.
Master Chaos and Clumps were the bomb!
Prayer time, was awesome. I miss having retreats, recollections and class encounters.
You might wonder why I haven't posted for like more than a week now, its because I'm confused and I'm setting a new goal. To get 4.0GPA at the end of this school year.
I've passed my course selections, and I can't wait for Physics, Bio and Chem next year.
Hello Stress, Hello Elements, Hello Formulas, Hello Life!
I miss having so much homework, I miss cramming. I totally miss the old times.
BTW, For your information. Everytime I see you, my day is ruined. Just so you know. :)
Oh wow, this is such a random post. =)) That's all for now, Toodles! ;))
♥ Maiqui, was here! 9:16 PM